Notes on Astrology

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Drowning in the Pisces Male

I am writing this particular note on behalf of myself and many of the women in my life and clients to ponder on the complexities of relating to Pisces men.  Many of you will come upon this post after days/weeks/years in the throes of frustration and confusion around the behavior of the Pisces men you've loved and/or left.  I know this topic is a particularly popular one on the astrology message boards and so will likely resonate with a lot of people.  I am going to give you my best advice on handling them through my narrow lens, so please feel free to add your thoughts in the comments.  

I have a natal Sun Trine Neptune, a 12th House Mercury, and Neptune hitting two of my angles.  I am Neptunian and it took a lot of heavy-handed guidance from my mother (and a particularly strong Saturn in the First House) to keep me focused, my boundaries strong, and my will exceptionally strong (though I also have a well-aspected Scorpio Mars to help with that).  My point is I am probably one of the most objective Neptune dominants you'll ever meet.  I know very well my escapist tendencies, issues with staying grounded in reality, extreme sensitivity to violence or the harshness of the world, rampant romanticism and idealism, and innate spirituality.  I often have the urge to run and hide and if not for those counterbalancing influences that make me stay and endure and live to battle another day, I would retreat.  The urge to do so is always there.

My dreamy + pretty Neptune vibe attracts Pisces men like flies.  "A kindred spirit!" they think.  And it's true: I have a strong fantasy life, enjoy escaping into music and films and sex, see myself as connected to everyone in some way, and am incredibly empathic to the point I have to limit my social activity - it's sensory overload.  Pisces men hold these traits firmly and the trick to understanding what KIND of Pisces you'll be getting is to look at what other aspects lay in wait in his natal chart.  Does he have a strong Saturn that will get him out of bed and to work every morning?  Is his Mars placement in something other than Pisces and/or without challenging aspects to outer planets?  This last question is going to be very important in understanding HOW he operates.  He can be all of those lovely aforementioned things (lovely if you're into Neptune at least), but if his Mars placement doesn't give him drive, motivation, sobriety, consistency, or fidelity (Mars is the planet of sex as you know), you're going to be getting a person who is very susceptible to drowning in their own deficiencies instead of rising to the challenge of relating or taking accountability for their actions. 

I will tackle this last point in another post but the advice I insist on giving everyone when they start to dive into astrological compatibility aka synastry aka "are we perfect together???" is spend the vast majority of your time examining their NATAL CHART.  All the amazing aspects between you will mean little if you are dealing with someone who has challenges in their natal chart that they are not consciously aware of or willing to work on.  It can be the most disappointing conclusion to come to about someone (and believe me I've been there) but they are who they are first and forever (barring a major life-changing transit - but I strongly advise against waiting around for a Pluto transit happening in 12 years to make your move).  There are so many viable humans out there handling their challenges and not needing to slip away into the mist in order to cope.  Find a Pisces with strong, healthy coping mechanisms to go down the rabbit hole with you and still get up for work on time.