Notes on Astrology is a personal and professional space offering up celebrity, political, and business industry profiles, astrology fundamentals, and other important notes on the metaphysical.

A Note on ... Melania Trump's Communication Problem

           Melania Trump was accused of plagiarizing her speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention (RNC).  She is the wife of Presidential Republican nominee Donald Trump.  English is not Melania's first language and glancing at her chart after this scandal unfolded I immediately took note of her natal Saturn conjunct Mercury.  In fact when I saw it, I cringed, but not for the reason you are probably thinking.

           Saturn, among other things, acts as a little bundle of our personal insecurities.  When we are born I like to imagine Saturn sort of tumbles down our chart, like a ball on a roulette wheel, until it stops on a spot, and that is where you are going to have to struggle and fight and build to get your confidence back in that area of your life.  Having this sitting on your Mercury can make you a very powerful, penetrating, studious and profound thinker and communicator.  BUT FIRST - you have to do the work.  There are no short cuts with Saturn and if you take one it will turn the car around and take you right back home until you get it right. 

           Having someone, let alone the whole world, poke on that soft spot of your chart is profoundly painful.  Epic pain.  This is why I cringed when I saw this because I immediately knew that this criticism, ridicule, and humiliation cut like a knife for her.  She has had this aspect her whole life, which has probably contributed to her shyness in speaking and why she chose (was chosen by?) a partner who has no fear of speaking his mind.  We often choose people who display the qualities we lack. 

           She may have gone against her better judgement and accepted help in writing her speech and it backfired.  Or she may have thought her own ideas weren't good enough and thought incorporating tried and true ideas was the best path.  In either instance, the insecurity about one's own intellect, communication abilities, or voice or accent can be very real for people with Mercury conjunct Saturn or Mercury in hard aspect to Saturn.  And the truth is these insecurities are often unfounded and unseen by the outside world.  Finding ways to build up your confidence and use positive visualization to become more effective when communicating can be great tools to overcome this. 

Stephen Hawking and the Burden of Venus Square Saturn

My Aquarius/ Uranus problem.