Notes on Astrology is a personal and professional space offering up celebrity, political, and business industry profiles, astrology fundamentals, and other important notes on the metaphysical.

A Pause...

I often counsel my friends and loved ones to stay true to the energy of the moment.  If you feel the need to press "pause" (whether stemming from some deep internal impulse or even if its forced upon you) don't fight it and listen closely for the new direction being offered up to you.   Usually these pauses are brought on by transits or current planetary movement through our natal houses, and demonstrate some of the best tools we have in predictive astrology for understanding the "why me? "/ "why now?" with which we all have a tendency to batter ourselves.

I am taking a pause on my Notes as I pursue a second career path and interest that is near and dear to me.  I will probably write about it in the future, but true to my Virgo Rising and current (Saturn transit in my Third House)  when I choose to focus on a discipline I'm all in and ready to do the hard work. 

I am still available for consultations and really love when you write me with random astrology questions - so please stay in touch!

XO - Ariel




Who Do You Love?

A Note on... Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Divorce (Audio)