Notes on Astrology is a personal and professional space offering up celebrity, political, and business industry profiles, astrology fundamentals, and other important notes on the metaphysical.

Who Do You Love?

There is a trick to figuring out who you should be partnering with or why you seem to attract or seek out the same kind of partner over and over. Our mate preferences are laid bare for us in our natal chart blueprint.  Partnerships are as much about connecting as they are about projecting.  We seek out people who will mirror our inner environment – good or bad – because it is where we find comfort and how we feel whole. 

In a woman’s natal chart, we look to her Sun, Mars, and Jupiter, their signs and the aspects to these planets to paint a picture of the ideal mate or the one she is most likely to attract. 

In a man’s natal chart, we look to his Moon and Venus placements to discover what partner, good or bad, is going to fit his understanding of an ideal partner.

These rules apply to all partnerships, and in same-sex pairings may differ depending on the role, active (male) or passive (female), being played in the relationship. 

It takes a fair amount of knowledge and ease with the archetypes of the signs and meaning behind aspects to fully understand what signatures are being displayed in a given chart. There will be experimental phases as these energies seek out what works and what doesn’t, but in most functional, formal relationships these rules will apply. 

It is also important to note that what someone needs as evidenced through these patterns is not always what is best for them.  Human psychology is complicated, and it may take someone a lifetime, or several, to work out their karma through their relationships with other people. 

But a good rule of thumb is that if there are strong Saturn aspects along with meeting the requirements of the active partner’s Moon and Venus, this typically will result in a long-term relationship and/or marriage. 

Saturn–Venus–Uranus in Synastry: "Do I stay or do I go?"

A Pause...