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Hi Paul Sparks and Fifth House Attractions

Hi Paul Sparks and Fifth House Attractions

This is what Libran, Aquarian, mixed with a lot of Pluto looks like.  (See: My Aquarius/ Uranus Problem)

Look to your Fifth House, Moon, and your Mars sign (if you're a woman) to identify what energy/ planetary signatures turn you on.  Trust me, it will make pinpointing who you should date a lot easier. 

Playing this game on myself: Fifth House cusp is Aquarius, Moon is in Cancer (afflicted, I'll explain another time) and Mars is in Scorpio.  

The Fifth House: When it comes to dating this is the house you want to pay attention to. It will show you who is attracted to you and the peoplewith whom you will have the most fun, both sexual and recreational. It is not the house of long-term relationships where deep intimacy and marriage are sought - you would look to the 8th and 7th houses, respectively, for that. But having one or more of your partners inner romantic planets (Moon, Venus, Mars) here can add a wealth of enjoyment to your relationship.

Paul has several of his Aquarius planets sitting in my Fifth House. 

Moon in Cancer: This inclines me toward watery (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) elements in men.  I tend to prefer my women more fiery (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) and in a future post about the 11th House I will talk about how relationships with the same-sex works. Paul has no planets in Water signs and so there may not be much of an emotional connection made here, unless one, or more, of my personal planets is aspecting his Moon. 

Mars in Scorpio:  Mars in a woman's chart helps identify what kind of man she respects and likes.  Not always the same as what she attracts (Fifth House/ Eighth House) but certainly what style she expects her ideal man to display.   Scorpio is co-ruler of Mars and the ruler of PlutoScorpio/Pluto energy is heavy, potent stuff.  Secretive, highly sexual, truth-seeking and probing.  It is the equivalent to wearing X-ray glasses in that you can see through people, right to their true intentions, past the facade and artifice.  It is not comfortable energy to be in the presence of if you prefer things superficial, are deceptive by nature, or don't like having your weaknesses probed.  So yeah, that is a lot of energy to carry as a woman and finding a man that embodies the same, and can handle it can be a challenge.  Plutonian men can, so that would be Scorpio Sun/Moon men of course, and people with several hard Pluto aspects in their charts, like Paul has. 

Fun Homework!

Write a list of three or four of your celebrity or real life attractions.  Check their sign placements and see whether they fall in your Fifth House, aspect your Moon/ Venus (if you're a man) or Moon/Mars (if you're a woman).  




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